Code of Conduct for Students
Coming late to the college is a serious breach of discipline.
Campus Movement:
No students will be allowed to go out of the Campus without prior permission from the Class Incharge and Head of the Department.
Notice Board:
Students should cultivate the habit of reading notices displayed on the college notice-board. Ignorance of any notice thus displayed will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with it.
Prohibited Activities:
Smoking in the premises of the college, spitting, pasting posters, scribbling on tables and walls, throwing of waste paper and rubbish, except in dustbins provided for the purpose, are prohibited.
Vehicle Parking:
Bicycles, two-wheelers, cars, etc., must be parked only in the parking lots meant for the purpose.
Lost Property:
Any lost property found must be handed over to the Principal’s chamber from whom the owner can reclaim it after establishing his ownership.
Helmet Requirement:
Use of a helmet is compulsory. Only riders wearing helmets will be permitted to enter the campus.
Disciplinary Actions:
Under the Tamil Nadu Government Educational Rules, the Principal is empowered to inflict fines, withhold attendance certificates, and suspend or expel any student if considered necessary to do so.
Association and Political Activities:
No student shall be a member of any organization or association not connected with the college without the prior permission of the Principal. Participation in anti-social or subversive activities or political party membership is strictly prohibited.
Dress Code:
Women students shall wear Chudidhars/Sarees only. Leggings are not allowed. Long hair should be plaited. Men students shall wear formal dress (pants and shirt).
Identity Cards:
Each student of the college is required to possess an identity card issued at the time of admission. It should be displayed prominently, and entry to the campus can be refused if the identity card is not displayed. Duplicate copies are not normally issued.
Academic Year and Fees:
The academic year consists of two semesters. Tuition fees and other applicable fees are payable on a term payment basis in June/September/December. Students leaving the college after the first term shall not claim a refund of tuition fees for that year.
Breakage Charges:
Breakage charges in the laboratory and for any loss of books in the library must be compensated as per the instructions of the Librarian and Principal.
Fee Adjustments and Authority Rights:
The college authorities reserve the right to increase tuition fees and other fees as directed by competent authorities. Students leaving the college at any time after the first term shall not claim a refund of tuition fees for that year.
Laboratory Equipment Handling:
All possible caution should be exercised while handling laboratory equipment. Any breakage, damage, or loss to equipment should be reported to the staff concerned immediately. Failure to report may result in fines.
Certificate Issuance:
A written application giving full details must be made by the students to the Principal for the issue of certificates. All statements of Marks/Consolidation Certificates are subject to this procedure. Duplicate identity cards are normally not issued, and students are advised to keep their identity cards safely.
Consequences of Identity Card Loss:
The college will not be responsible for any misuse of the identity card by anyone when it is lost or misplaced.
Admission and Withdrawal
1. Candidates who are admitted on the basis of qualification obtained from the other Schools/Universities or bodies should fully satisfy all the prescribed conditions for admission and such admissions are subject to confirmation by the College. The provisional admission is entirely at the risk of the candidate.
2. Students who are found to have obtained admission by false representations will be summarily dismissed with the forfeiture of all the fees.
3. A student admitted at any time in the college should pay the whole fee for the academic year. A student who wishes to leave the college will be issued a transfer certificate, after clearing all the dues. If a student leaves the college at the end of the academic year, he/she will receive an Attendance certificate/Course completion Certificate.
Attendance and Leave
1. Attendance will be marked at the beginning of every hour.
2. A student shall attend all classes regularly and punctually. If a student has to be absent for a valid reason, he/she should apply for leave beforehand. When the absence is due to an unforeseen cause, application for leave must be submitted as soon as possible and in no case later than the first day of his/her return to the College.
3. All leave applications must be countersigned by the parent or guardian. In the case of hostel students, the applications must be countersigned by the Head,Hostel Warden and Principal.
4. Attendance position of the students will be displayed on the notice board at the end of each month. Students are advised to check their attendance particulars. Ignorance of any such
notice thus displayed will not be accepted as an excuse. Any discrepancy should be brought to the notice of the Principal in writing within a week for scrutiny.
5. Students with attendance below 50% will be detained as per University norms.
6. Attendance will be granted to the students who participate in any medical ground, co- curricular, extra-curricular, Sports, NCC, NSS, Competition etc., on producing of necessary certificate within a week of participation. Such certificates should be routed to the office through the Class Incharge ,Head of the department and concern authority with the approval of Principal